Primary Full Body Health Checkup

Primary Full Body Health Checkup


Routine Annual Full Body Checkup is necessary for all individuals to assess general health.It helps to identify and treat any disease at an early stage. Doctor guides patients about living a healthy life and educate them to avoid dangerous bad habits such as alcoholism, tobacco smoking, inactivity.

Package Includes :

  • Liver Function Test (Bilirubin Total, Bilirubin Direct, Bilirubin Indirect, AST/SGOT,ALT/SGPT,GGPT, Alkaline Phosphatase)
  • Kidney Function Test ( Albumin, A:G Ratio, Urea, Creatinine, Uric Acid, Total Protein, Calcium, Total Phosphorus)
  • Thyroid Profile ( T3 Total, T4 Total, TSH)
  • Lipid Profile (Cholesterol, Total Triglycerides, HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, VLDL Cholesterol
  • CBC (Hemoglobin, PCV, RBC Count, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, TLC, DLC, Absolute Leucocyte Count, Platelet Count),
  • ESR
  • Glucose (fasting/random)
  • Urine RE, ME

Estimated Time : 48 – 72 Hours

Sample Required:  Blood, Urine
