**About Us**

Welcome to MedConnectKart.com, a unit of Ontogeny HealthTech Pvt. Ltd. (previously Ontogeny Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd.)

**Our Story**

Ontogeny HealthTech Pvt. Ltd. was founded in 2014 with a clear vision: to o build a community in which all people achieve their full potential for health and well-being across the lifespan.  We work hard to be trusted by patients and bring positive change in Society by achieving Complete Physical, Mental, Social and Spiritual well-being.


Since then, we’ve been dedicated to provide easy and affordable healthcare services to all community by using Technology with excellence in quality, service, and access.

**Our Values**

Integrity, Innovation, and Customer Satisfaction are at the heart of everything we do.

**What Sets Us Apart**

– **Quality**: We are passionate about delivering the highest quality products/services to our customers.
– **Innovation**: We continuously strive to innovate and improve, staying ahead of the curve in [industry/niche].
– **Customer Service**: Our dedicated team is committed to providing exceptional customer service and support.
– **Sustainability**: We are mindful of our environmental impact and are committed to sustainable practices.
– **Community Engagement**: We believe in giving back to the community and supporting causes that matter.

**Contact Us**

We’d love to hear from you! Whether you have a question, feedback, or just want to say hello, don’t hesitate to reach out to us:

– **Email:** info@medconnectkart.com
– **Phone:** +91 9734100999
– **Address:** 91/1 A Pilkhana Road, Ranibagan, Berhampore 742101

Thank you for choosing Ontogeny HealthTech Pvt. Ltd. (previously Ontogeny Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd.) . We look forward to serving you and being a part of your journey.